Why Bangladesh should change their national anthem?

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The national anthem of any country is a powerful symbol of its identity, history, and the emotions of its people. It is more than just a song—it plays a critical role in uniting citizens, reminding them of their proud past, and inspiring them toward a shared future. In Bangladesh, however, there has been ongoing debate about the relevance of the current national anthem, “Amar Sonar Bangla.” While it reflects the cultural heritage of Bangladesh, it does not fully capture the entirety of the country’s history.

  • Amar Sonar Bangla and Its Limitations

“Amar Sonar Bangla, Ami Tomai Bhalobashi,” penned by Rabindranath Tagore, is a beautiful expression of love for the motherland. However, when it was adopted as Bangladesh’s national anthem after independence, its ties to West Bengal became apparent. The term “Bangla” refers not only to Bangladesh but also to West Bengal, which complicates the anthem’s representation of Bangladesh’s distinct national identity.

For the past 53 years, the dual nature of this anthem has raised questions from ethnic, political, and cultural perspectives. A national anthem should reflect the self-identity and pride of an independent nation. While “Amar Sonar Bangla” expresses deep affection for the land, it does not accurately convey the nation’s history of sacrifice, struggle, and the bloody battle for independence.

  • A New Perspective: “Salam Salam Hajar Salam”

The song “Salam Salam Hajar Salam Sokol Shohid Shorone” is closely tied to Bangladesh’s independence. From the 1952 Language Movement to the 1971 Liberation War, Bangladesh has overcome numerous challenges. This song honors the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country’s freedom, making it a true testament to Bangladesh’s history.

“Salam Salam Hajar Salam” resonates with the entire nation, reminding citizens of the bravery and love for the country displayed by those who fought for its independence. It adds a unifying force to the national consciousness, something “Amar Sonar Bangla” has not fully achieved.

  • The Significance of National Anthems and the Case of Bangladesh

Around the world, national anthems serve as symbols of struggle, bravery, and national pride.

– **France’s “La Marseillaise”** was written during the French Revolution and reflects the French people’s fight for liberation, serving as a symbol of unity.
– **America’s “The Star-Spangled Banner”** commemorates the nation’s struggle for independence and its collective unity.
– **Germany’s “Deutschlandlied”** celebrates the country’s commitment to freedom, unity, and justice, with a strong patriotic spirit.
– **Sweden’s “Du Gamla, Du Fria”** celebrates the country’s natural beauty and heritage, symbolizing patriotism and love for the land.
– **Japan’s “Kimigayo”** symbolizes peace, prosperity, and loyalty to the emperor, representing centuries of cultural heritage.
– **Spain’s “La Marcha Real”**, though without lyrics, is a powerful emblem of the nation’s unity, tradition, and royal heritage.

In Bangladesh, the national anthem should similarly embody the historical significance of its struggle for independence. While “Amar Sonar Bangla” is a beautiful song, it remains tied to a specific period and geographical context, limiting its ability to fully reflect the nation’s sacrifices and triumphs.

  • “Salam Salam Hajar Salam”: A True Reflection of Our History

From the 1952 Language Movement to the 1971 Liberation War, Bangladesh’s history is a story of shared struggle and sacrifice. “Salam Salam Hajar Salam” encapsulates these events, offering a genuine portrayal of the nation’s journey to independence.

This song resonates deeply with the people of Bangladesh, symbolizing national unity and reflecting the true identity, courage, and sacrifices of the nation. “Salam Salam Hajar Salam” can stand as a powerful tribute to the storms Bangladesh has weathered from 1952 to the present.

  • Proposal for Change

Though “Amar Sonar Bangla” expresses a deep love for the country, this love has not been reflected in the nation’s reality over the past 53 years. Corruption, injustice, murder, oppression, and other issues have plagued the nation, contradicting the idealized image of “Sonar Bangla.” This is something that needs deeper consideration.

  • The Need for a New National Anthem

Changing the national anthem is more than just a change of song; it is an effort to restore the true meaning of our national identity, history, and freedom. “Salam Salam Hajar Salam” could serve as a more fitting and authentic document of Bangladesh’s history, instilling pride in future generations for the sacrifices of their ancestors. This step would foster a renewed sense of unity, glory, and national consciousness among the people.

Now is the time to initiate a national dialogue about changing Bangladesh’s national anthem, allowing us to better appreciate our history and present ourselves to the world as a united nation.

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